Monday, February 10, 2020

Blessings of Marriage in Islam

Islam imparts education with respect to every matter in life. Marriage is a very sacred institution in Islam. People think of marriage as a burdensome expense. However, in Islam, marriage is as simple as signing a contract, called “Nikah” and fulfilling its basic requirements. Islam vehemently advocates against dowry. It strongly condemns extravagant marriages. Islam encourages a simple wedding. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wedded his only daughter Hazrat Fatima (RA) in the simplest manner setting a wonderful example of austerity. In fact, Allah has blessed the institution of marriage with abundance in provision and bounties. Islam encourages Muslims to get married as early as possible. This saves a person from many social vices, along with providing a wonderful partner to share your sorrows and joy.

Ideal married life tips: -

Sanctity of marriage has become extremely endangered in today’s world. People have become intolerant of each other. They have become neglectful of each other’s rights. As a result, divorce rates have risen extremely. What is the reason behind such an unfortunate trend? Ignoring Islam’s message and teachings have led to such disastrous social conditions. Here are some ideal married life tips as per Islam’s teachings: -

·        Be loving towards each other to please Allah: -

In Islam, marriage has great importance. It is this relationship from which all the other blood relationships are created. Husband and wife must love each other dearly. Not only that, they must express their love for each other so as to rekindle the newlywed feeling every now and then. They must dress up for each other, take care of each other’s small needs and smile at each other. Most of all they must show that they are happy in their lives so that their spouse feels good. However, it must be kept in mind that any relationship, be it that of husband and wife is only for the sake of Allah.

·        Be grateful towards each other: -

It is very important to show gratitude and thankfulness towards each other. The man works all day from dawn to dusk to earn a living for his family. While the woman takes care of his home, his family and his children while he is away. Hence they must respect each other and be grateful for their contribution towards a happy and stable life.

·        Forgive each other’s mistakes: -

One of the biggest reasons why marriages fail is that people have become very impatient. They are not ready to forgive each other for their mistakes. Being forgiving is very crucial for a healthy relationship. Humans are bound to make mistakes. Hence forgive mistakes and move ahead with life. Allah loves those who are forgiving towards his men. Allah loves his merciful men. So forgive and forget the mistakes made by your spouse for an ideal married life.

·        Do not stop communication between each other: -

Another major problem is that people inflate their ego so much that they compromise on the sanctity of the relationship. Allah does not like egoist and self-centered people. When husband and wife stop talking to each other situation aggravates. So they must continue talking to each other no matter what.

·        Do not let Satan deviate you to the Wrong Path: -

Devil is most envious of the relationship between a husband and wife. He tries his best to make them go astray. He is the happiest when they make mistakes and lie to each other. So always seek the refuge of Allah from evil forces. Recite supplications to protect your marriage from evil eye. Refrain from publicly expressing love for each other as it might attract evil eye.
These were some useful ideal married life tips.

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