Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hajj Occasion

Indeed, the honored and sacred Kaaba is the first house and masjid built on the face of this earth, and Prophet Adam peace be upon him was the first to shape it. However, at the time of Prophet Nuh A.S, the Kaaba collapsed during the great overflow which had enclosed the entire earth.

The Kaaba is in the middle of the earth’s superficial and above it in the 7th sky and similar to it, is a sacred and holy house called Bait-ul Ma'mur. To the populations of the skies (the angels), Bait-ul Ma'mur is stared as the Kaaba is to the inhabitants of the globe. Every day, 70,000 angels arrive it, pray in it then once they permission they never return to it.

What are the stages of Hajj?

Safa and Marwa
Eid ul-Adha

Allah subhanahu wa ta ala ordered Prophet Ibrahim to reconstruct the sacred house, the Holy Kaaba and guided him to the position of the original construction of the Kaaba before the flood. Prophet Ibrahim A.S made his way to the Sacred city of Makkah and met his son Ismail behind Zam Zam water. There he said to him: “O Ismail, Allah subhanahu wa ta ala has ordered me to construct a house” to that Prophet Ismail replied: “Then obey your Lord”. Then Prophet Ibrahim A.S said: “Allah ordered as well that you assist me in building it”. Ismail responded: “Then I will help you.”

So, Prophet Ibrahim A.S started to build the Kaaba laying its stones which were accepted on to him by his son Ismail until the building was finished. Upon the conclusion of laying an entire row of stones, the stone that Prophet Ibrahim A.S used to stand on, known as Maqam Ibrahim, would rise a little by the Will of Allah subhanahu wa ta ala make it easier for Prophet Ibrahim to shape the next row until all was completed.

Then Prophet Ibrahim said to his son Ismail: “Bring me a nice rock to lay it on one of the corners of the Kaaba to be used by the people as a controlling mark “. Suddenly, Angel Jibril brought the Black Stone down from Heaven and Prophet Ibrahim positioned it in the present location.

The Black Stone and the Maqam are, between many others, two precious gems of Heaven that used to be brilliant.  Originally, their light was influential enough to light east and west. Sadly, due to the blasphemous performances done by the pagans of Makkah after the death of Prophet Ismail by a long time their light faded away. In regards to the Black Stone, it turned black due to the hands of the idol-worshippers continually touching it as part of their love.

Allah ordered Prophet Ibrahim to announce to people the obligation of Hajj. Ayah 27 of Surat-ul- Hajj means:

And declare unto mankind the Hajj. They will come unto you on foot or riding camels from far and wide.

Prophet Ibrahim A.S him stood on the Maqam and said: What do I say? Angel Jibril’s reply was: say:

لبيك اللهم لبيك، لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك

Which means: O Allah, I obey Your Order, I obey You time after time. You are the One without a partner, I shall obey You time after time. Upon hearing these words, Prophet Ibrahim started repeating them hence becoming the first man to say the Talbiyah.

It has been related that prophet Ibrahim called out in the open addressing mankind: Allah ordered you to do Hajj and will prize you for it by admitting you into Heaven and saving you from Hellfire.

We question Allah to bestow upon us the honor of performing hajj and Umrah and visiting the grave of our Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH him every year. Ameen

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