Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Why Are Only Muslims Allowed to Visit the Holy City of Makkah?

Sometimes, this question knocks our thoughts and we fail to do the real reasoning towards it. Despite knowing ‘Makkah’ as the holiest place for Muslims in the world, we are unaware of the term ‘Religious Segregation’ and the boundaries Islam have a limit for us.

Religious Segregation in Islam

 It means the separation of people according to their religion and is observed as a social fact.  On March 1, 2004, Saudi government officially stated that Jews are forbidden to enter the country and in the sacred place ‘Makkah’, only Muslims are allowed. Non-Muslims cannot enter by any means to Makkah city which can later result in penalties in doing so.

Who Are Non-Muslims Not Allowed To Visit Makkah?

The ban for Non-Muslims to enter Madinah and Makkah was released during the dynasty of King Noor-Ud-Din Zangi of Sham (Present day Syria). Several miles around the holy sites near Makkah are considered Haram to Non-Muslims. This verdict is defined for various facts.

  • ·       Comparison with Cantonment Areas

It is obvious that Makkah is a holy sanctuary. One has to be a believer to visit this city. This could be compared with cantonment areas where only citizens are allowed that have a permit. For Makkah, the permit is being a Muslim only due to the presence of Kaaba.

  • Spirituality Intact

There are centers of pilgrimage and prayers in Makkah for Muslims where they feel free to pay from all distractions and there is restricted access to these sacred sites to serve as a refuge for Muslim believers and protect the sanctity of the holy cities. Those who do not believe in one God are strictly forbidden to enter this zone.

History Leads to Reasons

In 474, Pope Sixtus 1V planned a trap to remove the remains of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) from his grave. Not only this, he asked his admirers to bring them to Rome and be displayed Saint Peter’s Square to humiliate Muslims.

The Sovereignty of King Zangi

He dispatched two monks from Rome, made them dress like Arabs living in Madinah and especially dug a tunnel from the house close to Mosque of Prophet, where he is buried in the ultimate eternal peace. King Zangi on the same night had a dream of two people shifting the remains of Prophet Muhammad. This happened twice and at last, the faces were made visible by Prophet Muhammad in the dream.

The King’s guards marched towards Madinah from Halab, its capital. One by one King saw the faces of all the citizens paraded at that time. The king asked if there was someone else in the city and he was told about the two old men. When they were brought in front of the king, he recognized them without a lengthy glance. Those two men confirmed themselves as spies sent by the Pope.  He then ordered a trench to dig around the grave to the water level, filled with Zink to avoid repetition of the same incident

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