Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Reasons to Perform Umrah in December

It’s the time of the year where the entire USA is decorated with lights, beautiful trees and ornaments. The malls are buzzing with hard to believe bargain sales. The nights are long and the days are short. American Muslims do not have much to do in this holiday season except shop, dine out, spend time with family or take a vacation.

Often Muslims from America choose this time of the year to take a vacation to their homeland. No doubt meeting family is an enjoyable and cherished time. But what if we were to tell you that December is actually the best time to go to Allah’s house and perform Umrah?

Umrah in December, The city of Mecca truly never sleeps and all throughout the year it is bustling with pilgrims from all over the world. However, December is not as busy as the other months especially as compared to Zil Haj and Ramadan. Some reasons to make you instantly book your flights and hotels for Umrah are mentioned below:


Due to a slower season than normal, hotels become reasonable and affordable. You can get a 5 star hotel with a view of the Kaaba at a relatively inexpensive rate.


It is well known that Saudia Arabia is a desert and the heat is scorching in the summers. The opposite holds true for the month of December when the weather is pleasant. You do not have to face the scorching sun when doing tawaf. Umrah is a tiring and exhausting journey and the weather exacerbates the fatigue. However, in December you will experience a fresher and easier Umrah if Allah wills.


Allah’s home is continuously filled with millions of pilgrims performing tawaf all through the day. However, in December the crowd is comparatively less. This allows one to perform the rituals of Umrah in a more unperturbed manner.


You must have taken many family vacations in many different cities but this vacation with your family will be truly magical and an inspirational one. You are taking your family to the home of Allah and without doubt He will shower His blessings and love on you and your loved ones.

If you still have any doubts about planning an Umrah trip this year, please feel free to call International link Tours to avail the most reasonable airfare, hotel prices and Umrah package ! We look forward to custom making the best package for you which suits your budget and duration constraints.

For Umrah package in December click here: December Umrah Package

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