Sunday, June 19, 2016

4 Ways to Maintain Good Habits After Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of fasting for compensation of sins and cleansing of the soul. It is an answer to the carnal needs for sleeping, eating and drinking. A way that inspires control in lives, making sure that the requirements are met according to the crucial requirements within the chase of appreciation towards Allah Almighty. Fasting is the most excellent practice of faithfulness and a agreement between maker and created.

ramadan packages

“And the most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are continuous, even if they are few.” [Sunan an-Nasa’i]

Arrangement of Good Habits

Before Ramadan, we are more listening carefully about health, wealth and furtiveness and in Ramadan, we are worried about Fikar and Zikar. The important thing after Ramadan is Istiqama i.e. to grasp onto the good behavior adopted in Ramadan. In Hadith the value of good manners has explained as:

“Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one’s Good manners.” [Al-Bukhari]

Keep Up the Perform of Fasting

It was the favorite tradition of our prophet (PBUH) to watch fast on some exact days and many Hadiths authenticate the meaning of keeping Saum on Monday and Thursday. In Hadith it is narrated that:

“The Prophet of Allah used to fast on Monday and Thursday. When he was asked about it, he said: The works of the servants (of Allah) are presented (to Allah) on Monday and Thursday.” [Sunan Abi Dawud]

Aid organization and Patching Up With Prayers

During Ramadan, we all have made ourselves on time for offering Salah that embarks regulation in order to get the level of spirit for becoming a most excellent practicing Muslim. Repeated of this compulsion is not particularly tough when it is just a day or two of Ramadan exit. Donate to Masjid organization, feed a poor or the least you can do is to teach someone something good to keep up with the pace of Zakat after Ramadan as aid organization is among those things that will establish to be the redeemer at the Day of Judgment as narrated in Hadith:

“When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and righteous offspring who will pray for him.” [Muslim]

Continuation of Shared Meals

Ramadan is a social ceremony to revitalize the communal relationship apart from religious practice. Muslims invite their family member for Aftar meals to smash their fasts, a way to sit together and refresh the significance of family get together. Aftar meals can be arranged for the deserved and deprived one depending on the istita’at of Muslim beings. To stay this practice intact one can position communal meals for family and friends or either can nourish the poor, as they deemed preferable.

“Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and remember that you shall enter Paradise only through Allah’s Mercy, and also remember that the most beloved deed to Allah is that which is regular and constant even if it is little.” [Bukhari]

Friday, June 17, 2016

Essential Tips For Hajj 2017

With the Hajj is one of most peopled events in the earth, any person taking part in it has to get several safety measures with regard to his health security.

Hajj 2016

1. Keeping hydrated: drinking abundance of water hydrates and lets the system to mend itself.

2. Personal mats: using an individual prayer mat prevent the increase of germs from people to people.

3. Antibacterial wipes: As Hajj consists of numerous stages and steady association from place to place among millions of citizens, keeping your hand spotless is very important.

4. Mask: airborne microorganisms can easily increase. Wearing a mask that wraps the nose and mouth lowers the danger of direct disease.

5. Eating Honey: Normal honey is complete with nutrients to stay you keyed up and also mechanism as an ordinary antimicrobial.

6. Oregano oil: daily dosage of 2-3 falls of Oregano oil will sterilize and defend against microbes that enter straight into the respiratory scheme.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Significance of Ramadan and Fasting

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic astral calendar, maybe 29 or 30 days long. An Islamic month starts with the sighting of the new semi-circular in the western prospect, right away after sunset. 

Significance of Ramadan

Muslims seem toward the western horizon for the novel moon on the 29th day of Shaban, the eighth month. If the fresh moon is sighted, Ramadan has begun with the sunset but fasting starts with the next dawn. If the new moon is not sighted on this 29th day, Muslims complete 30 days of Shaban and Ramadan starts the following day.

Allah says in the Quran:

Allah says in the Quran

‘O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain God-consciousness. Qur’an 2:183

“In the month of Ramadan, the Quran, a book of guidance with proofs of guidance distinguishing right from wrong, was revealed. Therefore, whoever of you is present in that month let him fast. But who is ill or on a journey shall fast a similar number of days later on. Allah desires, your well-being, not your discomfort. He desires you to fast the whole month so that you may magnify Him and render thanks to Him for giving you His guidance.” Qur’an 2:185

Consequently, the month of Ramadan is called the month of the Quran; so, Muslims have the custom of reciting Quran often in this month.

Sawm or Fasting:

Sawm or Fasting

Sawm means a fast that starts to dawn and ends with sunset. Muslims go up before dawn, eat Suhur (pre-dawn meal) and drink liquids for the training of Sawm (fasting).



This nightly congregational salah (prayer) is done after the Isha salah. Usually, a Hafiz of the Quran, a person who has learned by heart the whole Quran which is in Arabic, Guides the prayer

Ramadan Generosity:

Ramadan Generosity

The month of Ramadan carries many blessings multiplied various for those who do high-quality. During this month people are more kind, more pleasant, more friendly and more ready than other times of the year to do excellent work. The poor and the deprived accept food, clothing and money from the well-to-do in the group of people. Many people go to the mosque in the district for fast breaking and meals. People in the neighborhood send fruit, food and drinks to the mosque – the ambiance is that of a friendly pot luck dinner every evening of the month.

Laylat al-Qadr:

Laylat al-Qadr

“We have indeed revealed this (the Quran) in the Night of Value (or Measure). And what will explain to you what the Night of Value is? The Night of Value is better than a thousand months. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit (the angel Gabriel) by Allah’s permission with all decrees. (That night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.”Qur’an 97:1-5

The night of value is a gift to mankind from Allah. However, it is not clear which night is Laylat al-Qadr.

I’tekaf or Seclusion:

I’tekaf or Seclusion

The practice of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was to expend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan in the Masjid (mosque). Following his do, it is considered a group of people duty that some people go in I’tekaf (seclusion) in a neighborhood Masjid.

Sadaqat al-Fitr:

Sadaqat al-Fitr

In general, any material help comprehensive to the poor, deprived and to those who ask and merit is called Sadaqah. Sadaqat al-Fitr, which is also called Zakat al-Fitr is the compulsory material helping comprehensive of the poor of the society before the Eid prayers.

Eid al-Fitr:

Eid al-Fitr

The end of the fasting month is renowned on the first of Shawwal, the 10th month, which go after Ramadan. Usually, on the 29th of Ramadan after sunset, people go out in the open looking for a new semi-circular in the western prospect where the sun sets. If the hemispherical is sighted, the end of Ramadan and Eid are affirmed. If the crescent is not sighted, Ramadan is extensive by one day.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Get Affordable Ramadan Umrah Package 2017

During the month of Ramadan millions of the Muslims from all round the world goes to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah, Now a day, perform Umrah has become much easier with the Ramadan packages. Due to the comfort Ramadan packages, Pilgrim does not need to be anxious about their adjustment, tickets, flights, visa and booking etc.

ramadan umrah

Sometimes, it is very crucial get time to examine and select such Umrah packages which suit you best in time. There are various issues to be considered to choose an Umrah package, but the most significant of them reliability and excellence. There are various things that you must recognize before select the Umrah packages.

·         Make sure to book your packages from only a reliable Umrah package contributor company.
·         It is essential to perceive whole details of packages provided by every company.
·         You will have to make a decision that what standard of accommodation you desire to include during your Umrah travel.
·         Also check out the position and distance of your accommodation from Haram-e-Kaabah.
·         It is significant to check that how much space you will have to tour on your feet to arrive at Haram.
·         Finally, look for the hidden cost because the last instant is very nasty and full of activity.

ramadan umrah usa

International Link Tours plans to offer the best and complete leadership for Umrah presentation to Muslims and give Ramadan Umrah packages USA.

Friday, June 10, 2016

The State of Ihram

Entering the state of Ihram

·         The literal meaning of Ihram is to make haraam (forbidden).
·         When a person pronounces the Niyyah (intention) of Umrah and utters Talbiyah, certain halaal (permissible) things become haraam.
·         The two sheets that a haji wears are figuratively known as Ihram but the real Ihram is Niyyah & Talbiyah.If someone wears these two sheets and does not declare his intention and utter Talbiyah, he does not become a Muhrim.
·         That is why, before Niyyah and Talbiyah, he can cover his head during two rakaats of Nafl, an act which is not allowed in the real state of Ihram.

Ihram For Men:-

Ihram For Men

Ihram for men consists of two pieces of white, unsewn cloth One of the piece (izar) is wrapped round the midriff to cover his body from just above his navel to his ankles, and the other (Rida) is draped around his shoulders to cover the upper body.


Ihram Belt

 Ihram for Women:-

Ihram for Women

According to many hadiths, it is not necessary for a woman to wear special clothing while in a state of ihram. Women are expected to wear clothing that conceals the shape and
covers the body completely, leaving only their faces and hands exposed. According to some authors, however, gloves can be worn.

 Preparation for Ihram :-

·         Comb your hair
·         Shape the beard
·         Trim your mustache
·         Cut your nails and
·         Remove unwanted body hair


·         Take a bath with the intention of Ihram otherwise do wudu. Here it is noted that there are two ways of purification:
·         Purification of Body (Shower or Wudu)
·         Internal Purification (Sincere repentance on your sins. Say something like this:
·         “O ALLAH, I sincerely repent on my sins and seek you forgiveness “

Ihram Sheet:-

·         Men should wear a sheet of white cloth around the waist and cover the upper body with the other sheet.
·         Women’s ordinary clothes are their Ihram.
·         Both should wear the flip-flops (Hawai Chappal ) so that middle bones of the upper part of the feet are not covered.

Nafl Salat:-

ü  If it is not makruh (undesirable) time , offer two rakaats of nafl for Ihram by covering your heads.
ü  ‘Qul yaa ayyuhal kaafiroon ’ in the first raka’at and ‘ Qul huwallaahu ahad ‘ in the second raka’at.


If going to Jeddah by an airplane , it is convenient to get into the status of Ihram inside the plane. 

Intention and Talbiyah:-

Now uncover your head and declare your intention.

 allaahumma innee ureedul umrata fayassirhaalee  wataqabbalhaa minnee

Immediately after that utter the words of Talbiyah three times and as often afterwards as possible. If you don't remember it, you can say its translation in English or in any other language but Talbiah or its translation is pronounced in a loud voice by men and in a subdued voice by women.The literal meaning of Ihram is to make haraam (forbidden).


 "Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk. La shareeka laka. Labbayk.Innal-hamda wan-n'imata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak."

·         “Here I am, O Lord, here I am,
·         You indeed have no partner, here I am
·         No Doubt, all praise and bounties are yours,
·         and so is the absolute Domain.
·         You indeed have no partners, here I am”


After this recite Darud Sharif and supplicate to Allah  Almighty any du'a in Arabic or in your own language.

 “Allahumma inni as'aluka razaka wa janata wa a'uzubika min ghazabika wa’nari“

Prohibitions of Ihram

After intention and Talbiyah, you are in the status of Ihram and from this time on you should not do acts that are forbidden in Ihram.

·         Cover head (men), cover face (women)
·         Cover the middle bone of the upper part of the feet (Both men and women)
·         Shave / cut hair
·         Cut nails
·         Wear perfume
·         Wear stitched clothing (men) / (Women can wear their ordinary clothes)
·         Hunting / killing
·         Sex

Journey Towards Holy Makkah

·         When this sacred journey towards Makkah al-Mukarrama starts, recite Talbiyah frequently on the way.
·         Then enter the city very humbly and with great fondness still reciting Talbiyah.After arranging for your residence, proceed to the Haram Sharif to perform Umrah.
·         Ihram: You should be already in Ihram for Umrah before entering Mecca as mentioned above.



Entering Masjid al-Haram

While reciting Talbiyah, enter Masjid al-Haram preferable through Bab as-Salam with right foot first.

bismillaahi wassalaatu wassalaamu alaa rasoolillaah

Allaahummaftah lee abwaaba rahmatik



First Sight

At the first sight of Ka’bah keep your eyes fixed at Baitullah and standing at one side, it is suggested that you do the following:-
Say three times

 “Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha IllAllah”

Proclaim Darud on our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and very humbly with tears supplicate to ALLAH for whatever you wish. This is a special time for acceptance of prayers .

First‏ Sight…

·         The idea is to praise and glorify your Creator before proclaiming Darud and supplications.
·         Therefore, in lieu of Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Illallah. You may recite some other similar holy verses if you desire .
·         After this , while uttering Talbiyah . Move to perform Tawaf of Ka’bah.

Restrictions while in the Haram

Every good deed or bad deed is multiplied by 100,000 times

·         Its plants must not cut
·         Its game must not be frightened,
·         Articles lost in it must not be picked up except by someone making announcement to find the owner,
·         Nor is any man to bear arms for fighting in it.
·         These restrictions apply to the Haram of Madinah as well.

·         They apply to everyone, whether in a state of Ihraam or not, during any time of the year

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Virtues of Umrah

Umrah is expiation for the sins committed between it and another Umrah. (Bukhari, Muslim)

The act of Umrah is known to cleanse one’s soul from past committed sins.

It is advised to do Umrah more than once in your lifetime so that it can act as a washing of the sins from the last time one performed Umrah.

Performing Umrah also protects one from poverty since they are there solely for the sake of Allah (SWT) spending their wealth and time in completing the deed.

Like Hajj, the act of Umrah is amongst the best deeds one can perform when pleasing Allah (swt).

In the blessed month of Ramadan, the reward of performing Umrah is equal to that of performing Hajj.

Another great virtue of Umrah is that if one passes away in their journey of Umrah, the reward for them is Jennat.